New Kidde Smoke Alarms Save More Lives | Save More on Fire Alarm Parts

New Kidde Smoke Alarms Save More Lives

 In Products, reconditioned products, Smoke Detector

The Kidde alarms with TruSense sensors can differentiate between threatening fast-flaming or smoldering fires and some of the most common home nuisance alarms.

Residential smoke alarms are reaching new, advanced levels of detection and discrimination, and are being designed to help save more lives. Kidde, continuing its legacy of fire safety innovation, is the first smoke alarm manufacturer to receive certification to the UL Standard for Smoke Alarms, UL 217, 8th Edition, set to take effect in May of 2020. The new Kidde smoke alarms utilize Kidde’s TruSense sensor and are designed to reduce common cooking nuisance alarms and respond faster to different types of fire. Kidde is part of Carrier, a leading global provider of innovative HVAC, refrigeration, fire, security and building automation technologies.

The Kidde alarms with TruSense sensors can differentiate between threatening fast-flaming or smoldering fires and some of the most common home nuisance alarms. The new alarms may also improve overall resident safety, as today’s homes typically contain furnishings comprised of synthetic materials such as polyurethane foam that are known to ignite and burn faster than traditional materials. In addition to these synthetic materials tests, a new nuisance test is being implemented to help prevent consumers from disabling or removing alarms from service due to cooking related nuisance alarms.

The significantly revised UL standard incorporates new tests related to cooking nuisance alarms and smoldering and flaming polyurethane. These requirements are in addition to the standard’s wood and paper tests. The three new tests were added to better represent the smoke profiles and behavior of modern home fires to help ensure next-generation sensors are designed to give residents more time to evacuate safely. All UL Certified smoke alarms are required to meet the enhanced requirements by May 29, 2020, representing a major change in the life-safety industry.

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